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What is Zikar Tasbih?

  • Zikar are devotional acts in which short phrases or prayers (remembering and praising God) are repeatedly recited silently within the mind or aloud. It can be counted on a set of prayer beads (tasbih) or through fingers of the hand. Tasbih is a form of zikar that involves the repetitive utterances of short sentences glorifying God.
  • Some of the zikar tasbihs recited by Ismailis are preluded by recitation of a couple of verses of ginans. And some tasbihs include elements of supplication (petitioning or humbly thanking) in addition to pure zikar (remembering and praising God).
  • Example of zikar is La ilaha illallah ("there is no God but God"), and example of supplicatory prayer (asking/thanking) is Al-hamdu lillah ("praise be to God").
  • Zikar Tasbihs are extensively recited in Jamat Khana (congregation) past midnight during the Laylat al-Qadr night.
  • Zikar is seen as a way to gain spiritual enlightenment and achieve union with God. The goal is to obtain a feeling of peace, separation from worldly values (duniya) and strengthen Iman (faith).

Zikar References in Sacred Text & Literature

Holy Qur'an Sura Ar Ra'd (13:28) states:

"Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah: for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction."

Pir Sadardin in Part 14 of Buj Niranjan granth reminds:

re tu(n)hee(n),
alee samare alee paaee-e,
alee samare sukh ho-e;
nipatt neekatt jo alee vase,
pann alee samarat nahi koee re

O You,
If you remember Aly, you attain Aly
Through remembrance of Aly peace is attained,
Though Aly is very close,
nobody remembers Aly