Hailing from the Mewati Gharana, Aly’s musical journey started as a child. Versed in Bhajan, Kirtan, Haveli Sangeet, Sufi & Bhakti Music as well as Rajasthani and Gujarati Folksongs, Aly is a devoted teacher and gives his seva as a ginan trainer.
For Aly, music is ibaadat; a narrative between man and God, music is his way of praising, yearning, imploring, and conversing with the Creator. Aly continues to overcome his obstacles and ailments through his music, and truly believes that music is his medicine. He has been privileged to receive taalim from his Bade-Guruji, Pandit Jasraj on an annual basis.
Aly's most recent works include the albums Guru Vandana & Prem Prakaash. In his free time, Aly is passionate about sharing music on YouTube, and in his alternate persona as “The Mithai Man” Aly loves spending time in the kitchen making culinary delights.
Since childhood Aly has had an interest in the inner mystical dimensions and metaphysical essence depicted and illustrated in Ginans and Granths, drawing deep inspiration from this; Aly has written several spoken word poems, odes, and couplets in praise of the Imam and the Ahl al-Bayt.
From the time Aly commenced his formal taalim in Shastriya Sangeet, he developed the skills of composing music, earlier on it was more so folk music, but in recent years it has become more so classical and bhakti music, this includes the composition of some of Hassanally Rammal’s lyrics that he presented for the Diamond Jubilee of Mawlana Shah Karim al-Hussaini in 2017.
Aly is grateful to his Gurujis for the taalim they have imparted and above all to the Imam-of-the-Time for being the guiding light inside his heart.
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Sl. | Title | Genre | Composer | Info | Type | Lyrics | Time |
Genre: Geets
Composer: Aly Sunderji
Artist: Aly Sunderji
Accompaniment: Vocal and Instruments
Media: Artist Video
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